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That errors are gone. and new one came out.

I think I figured it out that my s7-1200 cpu's PDU length is not enough for running?
(Requested Pdu Length is 480, s7-1200 is 240.)

or I got it wrong.
There is no any error logs for now. but still not working.

UnassignedReferenceException: The variable ObjectsWithHiddenSubobjects of Game4AutomationController has not been assigned.

You probably need to assign the ObjectsWithHiddenSubobjects variable of the Game4AutomationController script in the inspector.

game4automation.Global.GatherObjects (UnityEngine.GameObject root) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Global.cs:201)

game4automation.Global.HideSubObjects (UnityEngine.GameObject target, System.Boolean hide) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Global.cs:390)

game4automation.Game4AutomationController.HideSubObjects (UnityEngine.GameObject target, System.Boolean hide) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Game4AutomationController.cs:556)

game4automation.Game4AutomationController.UpdateAllLockedAndHidden () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Game4AutomationController.cs:464)

game4automation.Game4AutomationController.OnEnable () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Game4AutomationController.cs:732)

Thank you for the reply Dr.Thomas

I didn't notice that error. and I see it now.

The error is this.

(The others are from steamVR that I didnt connect the HMD.)

This could be the problem for not having connection with PLC?

im not sure i can handle this problem myself. Thank you again.
(Im a student in korean univ doing projects with your cool game4automation assets in small group circle studying automation&digital twin.
game4automation really helps a lot to me with those activities! i appreciate your hard works for these things that I can learn many things.)