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The conveyor my project uses does not use a belt or rollers, should I still follow this tutorial?

Image 1023

hi, I'm still facing the same issues and we really need to get the project running, I would really appreciate it if you could reply ASAP. 

hi, do you have any updates?

What is the issue with part 4, the rotation?. I have followed the tutorial exactly except creating a separate game object for the axis as I have already set it in Blender. I asked previously in the forum if I could directly add the Drive component in the subparts of the robot and I was told that it shouldn't create any issues.

Image 1017

For the other robot, IRB 910SC under the scene 2ndtryPluginIRB910sc, I created an empty gameobject for each axis but still am facing issues with it. The robot does not follow the target, the target (red circle) does not show up, it shows up as unreachable and when I press play the robot does not move. 

May I ask, where should the TCP be, the last component or the last component that has a Drive?

Image 1018

hi, I have sent the file 5 days ago, is there any updates?