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Refresh Groups in Selection Window

Hey Thomas,

in the Selection Window I see all groups I defined. If I create a Group with a new name, I have to hit the play button to refresh the list. After that I can add more GameObjects by hitting the plus-Button. 

Can you add a Refresh Button for the group list, so that I will not have to hit play every time I create a new group?

Best regards


URP and post processing

Benedikt Scholz vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 3

I have problems using the URP with the post-processing function. I downloaded the Post-processing Stack and Activated the HQ settings in the game4automation GameObject. However the sliders for settings are not working. I tried to manually put a post-processing volume into the camera, but this failed also. 

There is an error on the console: Array out of bounds in game4automationController.ChangedVisual()

Can you help?


Reading many inputs

Willem Van Der Gaag vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 2

Hi! Is it possible to acces all the inputs at the same time. I would like to write all the values of these to a file for future reference. Thanks in advance!

Support vor 3 Jahren

You could loop through all Signal objects in a script each FixedUpdate and read Signal.Value for saving it to whatever format you would like.


Is it possible to make an executable game-file linked to PLC?

Toni Niemi vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Martin vor 2 Jahren 7


I have managed to get the OPC UA -connection working with while inside Unity Editor's Play-mode, but when I try to Build into an .exe, the OPC UA -connection no more works. Is there a solution to this?

Support vor 3 Jahren

The Upgrade Message is always there - if you can use and add OPCUA and other Professional features you are having the professional version. Will let you know when the Beta is available. B


Is it possible to write to a Bool in DB with S7. e.g. PLCInputBool to DB43.DB145.0

Neil vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert vor 3 Jahren 2

Hello. I'm thinking it isn't possible to write to a Bool in DB, but maybe I haven't tried the right format. Any tips? Thanks.

Support vor 3 Jahren


writing to DBs is described here and it should be possible what you like to do:


I think it should be DB43.DBX145.0

Not a bug

g4a duplicates Script

Benedikt Scholz vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 1

I am building some UI Elements to write PLCOutputFloats (bool, etc) from Input fields, toggles and buttons. 

Spontaneously I am getting errors because of ambigious names for these PLCOutput classes. 

Somehow g4a duplicates the classes so I get a PLCOutputBool1.cs

Can you explain what´s wrong?

Best regards


Image 335

Image 336

Support vor 3 Jahren

G4A itself for sure not duplicates classes. Currently I don't know why this happens. Please delete the duplicated classes.

Not a bug

Import problem with Pixyz

Benedikt Scholz vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 1

The Import and update with the Pixyz Plugin does not work since updating to Unity 2019. The workaround you, Thomas, explained to me does not work. I can´t compare the Current and Update. The Problem is that the JT_Prop_Name does not appear in the Metada of the CAD-File. I get an error ".....is not unambigious". The Updater does not detect that the CAD-File changed during update. 

Pixyz said the plugins API will work with the next update which is going to be released around the end of February. 

Can you put that on your issue list so that it will work as soon as possible? The Updater is very important for us.


Sensor "Limit Sensor To Tag" null Error

DAT vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 3

I have encountered a few error from sensor script:

The sensor script throws a null error when using the "Limit Sensor To Tag" function unless the parent object have a MU.

Even though I am using the "Limit Sensor To Tag" function the sensor still gets trigger by the parents objects of the object that have the tag. (Parents objects do have mesh collider attached)

Support vor 3 Jahren

Hi Dat, I just checked. Objects wich are colliding with the Sensor must alway have the MU script on the same or in a level above the collider. This is the planned behaviour. I don't know in what combinatione exactly your problem comes up. Can you send me a simple example?


Unity Build Player Window error

Denis vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 8

Hello , I have errors when i trying to build player window , its works when i delete game4automation , and if i add game4automation and trying to compile i get some errors , I want to mention that I did not add the s7 interface, I did not add anything

Image 330

Support vor 3 Jahren

Problem was solved by deleting Parts4Cad and Zip in Tools. Included ZIP is not compatible with UWP. We will change that in future.


S7 plc i want to show on scene value from the controller

Denis vor 3 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert vor 3 Jahren 4

Hello , i want to show value from the controler as a text on scene , how i can do that?

Image 320

Support vor 3 Jahren


you need to do it with a little script that takes Signal.Value and which is putting this into a Unity UI text box.